Thursday, December 17, 2015

Holiday Traveling with your Pug

As the Christmas season is upon us a lot of us will be hitting the roads or going to the airport to fly home so you can visit family/ friends and enjoy the festivities.  However, if you are traveling with your Pug please keep be prepared and keep in mind a few things:
  1. Get a microchip for your Pug.  Many rescues, animal clinics, veterinarian, dog catchers and such utilize this method to help get a beloved pug back into the arms of their owners.  If the cost is a problem watch in your area where some Humane Societies, veterinarian clinics or a rescue will offer a microchip at a reduced cost to you. 
  2. If you are unable to get a microchip or even if you have a microchip please make sure your Pug has proper identification on his collar/harness and dog tags such as name, contact information for you  and if any allergies or medical conditions.
  3. Make sure your pug is up to date on their vaccinations especially if they are going to a different region.  For example, ticks are not an issue in the southern region but they are in the northern region so be mindful of those vaccinations for your area and intending areas. 
  4. Be mindful of the different plants and other potential toxins that are accessible to your Pug.  Your home maybe Pug friendly but not all homes are not Pug friendly.
  5. Do not forget when packing to pack an emergency kit for your Pug such things as gauze bandage, eye wash, tweezers and such are great to have in an emergency kit. 
  6. Pack enough food that your Pug is use to, consistency is best for your Pug and one of those consistencies is keeping them on their feeding schedule with the same food they are use to at home.  If your Pug is on medication, make sure you have enough medication or heart worm treatment while you are gone as well as extra in the case you have to stay a little bit longer due to weather or other circumstances.  Same goes for their food.
  7. Utilize a pet carrier whether you are flying or driving, a pet carrier will help keep your Pug calm as well as keep them safe.  In the event of a car accident the carrier or a pet car seat will help keep your Pug safe and not a projectile.   Make sure the crate is of proper size to your Pug will be able to be comfortable be able to move within the crate.   
  8. Never leave your Pug unattended in your car or at the airport.  Anything could happen so it is best to make sure your attention is on them. 
  9. Make sure you have your Pug’s favorite blanket, toy, bowls, and warm items for them if you are traveling to a cold climate. 
  10. Potty breaks: If you are traveling by car please take the time to stop and properly walk your Pug so they are able to do their business.  If you are flying make sure not to feed or give them water for two hours prior to your flight.  Make sure to walk them before putting them in their crate.  Make sure their veterinarian has cleared them to fly.  Any Pug that is frail, sick, pregnant, or a puppy may not or should not fly. 
  11. Planning ahead is the best way to plan to travel whether it is during the holidays or summer vacations.  Traveling is a stressful situation for you and your Pug so consider other options and right options for you and your loved Pug.  Some options are pet sitters, boarding, family/friends and etcetera.  Never wait to the last minute because boarding fills up fast, pet sitters schedules fill up fast, and family/friends have their schedules.  Also, prepare to reschedule or cancel your plans if your Pug becomes sick or injured.

If you are not traveling with your Pug, if you are visiting family /friends for the day, pending how long you will be gone or how far you are going it may be a good idea to have a pet sitter some one that you are comfortable as well as your Pug is comfortable with or even put your Pug in a daycare for the day so your Pug will not be alone for extended period of times.

Additional safety information can be found at,,

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  Be safe in your travels.  

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Tis’ the season to be prepared…

Christmas decorations going up, trees are being decorated, and egg nog is being served.     However, you need to watch out for our Pug.  There are many beautiful things about the holidays but with the beauty is also danger.  The holiday decorations commonly use to decorate your tree, your yard or even around you house can be dangerous even deadly to your pug.   The tinsel hanging on the tree with the shine and reflection attracts a curious Pug.  The tinsel can wrap itself around the Pug intestines and be fatal to your Pug.  The colorful tree ornaments are also an attraction for your Pug curiosity so they should be hung high enough out of their reach.  Pugs will be attracted to potential play or chew on the glass, aluminum, and paper ornaments which can break into sharp edges and may cause lacerations to the throat, their paws, their internal organs, and etcetera.  As well as they are a choking hazard for them.  Keep them up and out of the length of your curious pug. 

Another potential danger for your Pug is the lights on the trees and the burning of the candles.  The lighting, twinkling, and hanging lights will attract the curiosity of a Pug which could cause them to chew, potentially creating an electrical shock, burns on their tongues, even death so use all precautions.  Keep the lights out of their reach, be mindful of your Pug and the lights, and above all watch for any frayed wires.  Candles also are a hazard because the Pug could knock them over in error, potentially burn their noses trying to smell one, or even a paw attempted to touch the candle.  Be mindful once a candle it lit, keep the candle up and out of paws length. 

Wrapping gifts is another part of celebrating the season and even though your Pug makes good company and is good help to hold their paw in place until you are able to place the piece of tape in place.  The smell coming from the gifts can entice even the best behaved pug to misbehave.   The ribbon used to pretty up the gifts is a choking hazard, such as tinsel, ribbon could get wrapped/twisted throughout their intestines which could lead to emergency surgery or even death.  If possible leave the gifts until the last minute so curious pugs won’t get into trouble. 

Food… I am sure that caught your eye as we all know the way to a Pug heart is through their stomach.  So many edibles will be in the view of your Pug so be aware of where your Pug is, who is possibly feeding your Pug, and what is being fed to them.  Chocolate, whether milk or dark, have a high level of toxicity and is very dangerous for your Pug so it is best to keep all chocolate out of the reach of your Pug.  Bones, trimmings, and fat from the meats, whether cooked or uncooked, could cause pancreatitis, choking hazard, or splinter in your Pug digestive system.  It is best to keep them away from kitchen and dining area.  Cookies, candies, and some nuts in general should not be given to your pugs at all.  Almonds, non-moldy walnuts and pistachios can cause an upset stomach or an obstruction of your dog's throat and/or intestinal tract. Macadamia nuts and moldy walnuts can be toxic, causing seizures or neurological signs. Lethargy, vomiting and loss of muscle control are among the effects of nut ingestion.  Your best bet is to keep your Pug away from the food and company who will not follow your guidelines to not feed the Pug.  They should be kept on their regular diet and no table scraps or treats.  It could cause some upset Pugs but at least the Pugs will be healthy Pugs. 

Plants are very pretty and festive but they are also poisonous and potential deadly.  Poinsettias can cause vomiting and irritation in the Pug mouth and stomach.   The pine needles that will fall from your Christmas tree can cause irritation in their mouth, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargic, and potential weakness in their posterior.  Holly will cause intense vomiting, diarrhea, and depression within your Pug.  Mistletoe also will cause vomiting and diarrhea, and possibly difficulty in breathing, your Pug may collapse, erratic behavior, hallucinations and even death.  The water for your Christmas tree will be tainted and could cause stomach irritation with diarrhea or vomiting so keep your Pug out of the tree’s water, plus your Christmas tree will not get the water is will need. 

Finally, with all the family and friends coming as well as you visiting and attending holiday events make sure your Pugs are secure so they are unable to sneak out.  Make sure if you have a fenced in yard the fence is secure and the gates are not let open.  If your Pug is uncomfortable it is best to place them in a secure area with their bed, toys, water, and visit them.  Make sure you are able to spend time with them so they are aware that everything, even though hectic is fine. 

It is best to keep vigilante of your Pug during the holidays.  The holidays bring out beautiful decorations and delicious food but at the same time if brings out so many dangers for your Pug.    
Additional dangers and hazards:
ASPC Pet Poison Control:
Pet Poison Hotline:
Have your local veterinarian and an emergency veterinarian phone available.   

Wishing all you, your family and your Pugs a Merry Christmas and a Happy Healthy Safe Happy New Year!!!!

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