Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Home Remedies that can temporarily ease your Pug’s discomfort

Ever wonder if there is something you can do to ease your pug’s discomfort until the vet’s office opens?  Maybe a home remedy could help the simple issues such as ease hot spots or constipation?  Well, after some careful research and using some of the home remedies myself, I realize there are some that are safe enough to help your pug.  However, please understand that this is NOT to substitute the advice, guidance or to seek medical advice/care from your own veterinarian. 

-          - Artificial Tears will help to lubricant dry eyes; we know pugs have a tendency to have dry eyes.  However, make sure it is only dry eyes and not an infection or underlying issue, so please consult a veterinarian. 

-        -  Benadryl, the antihistamine will help when there is a bug/ant bite or some allergies.  Be aware that this will make your pug sleepy as well as depending on the size/weight of your pug would be how much to give your pug, so please consult a veterinarian. 

-          - Betadine which is an antiseptic, this is good to clean or soak wounds, cuts and injuries.  Betadine does cause discoloration to the skin, this is only temporary.

-         -  Epsom salts can be used to soak and soothe your pug’s sore paws.

-         -  Kaopectate can be given to your pug to help control diarrhea.  But please consult a veterinarian to know the dosage to give. 

-        -  Pedialyte can assist to rehydrate your pug when your pug is dehydrated during an illness or heat exhaustion.  It is best to mix with water.  

-         -  Pepcid AC can be given to a pug to help control stomach acid or upset stomachs.  Please consult a veterinarian to the exact dosage. 
-    -    Robitussin Pediatric Cough Syrup can be given to help eliminate or suppress a coughing pug.  Please consult a veterinarian that the cough is not something more serious.

Again, please consult a veterinarian to verify these home remedies would be acceptable for your pug, the correct dosages in the event you may need to utilize one of them, and so your veterinarian is aware in case of a further emergency. 

There are so many potential options on the internet from melatonin assisting to help pugs sleep and ginger helping to prevent car/motion sickness. Not to say these do not work or not acceptable but you want to make sure to use them within reason, under the supervision of a veterinarian in case of a reaction, and give the proper amount to your pug.  Too much of a good thing can be bad.  Too much ginger could cause diarrhea, heartburn and gas however it can help with arthritis.  So there is give and take in all home remedies so it is best to be careful, research thoroughly, ask questions, and make sure you document everything you give to your pug just in case of a reaction it can be traced. Include your veterinarian, this way you both will be in the know when it comes to the best care for your pug.   

Do you have any home remedies that you want to share? 

Monday, May 9, 2016

Does Second Hand Smoke Affect Our Pugs?

 I saw a commercial on how cigarette smoking can cause cancer in our pugs, so I was curious is this true?  Yes, second as well as third hand smoke does affect our pugs.  When our pugs are exposed to second and third hand smoke they are exposed to the same cancer causing chemicals as humans.   Pugs have a higher risk of lung cancer, respiratory disease, cardiovascular condition, eye problems, skin allergies and asthma whether it is from second or third hand smoke.  Second hand smoke is smoke that is breathed directly from the air around a smoker whereas third hand smoke is from the clothing, carpets, furniture and etcetera of a smoker.  For instance, when a pug lies on the lap of a smoker that smoke that is carried on their clothing is then transferred onto the pug as well as the pug is inhaling the smoke directly from the clothing. 
     According to Dr. Jan Bellows, DVM (veterinarian at All Pets Dental Clinic in Weston, FL), “Dogs and cat lungs are basically identical to human lungs.”  Showing that pugs’ lungs are susceptible to the thousands of chemicals and cancer causing agents such as carbon monoxide, vinyl chloride, arsenic, formaldehyde, just to name a few one inhales while smoking.   "Nicotine from secondhand smoke can have effects to the nervous systems of cats and pugs. Environmental tobacco smoke has been shown to contain numerous cancer-causing compounds, making it hazardous for animals as well as humans,” Dr. Sharon Gwaltney-Brant, medical director of the ASPCA's Animal Poison Control Center. 
      Even the e-cigarettes are not better.  One of the listed ingredients used in the e-cigarettes is diethylene glycol, yes, the same ingredient found in antifreeze.  If a pug was to lick the fluid which causes the vapor from the e-cigarettes, it is basically slowly poisoning.  It will also cause neurological issues, lethargy, cancer, or worse. So whether you choose to smoke a cigarette, pipe, cigar or an e-cigarette you are doing harm to their pug.
     So if you have thought about quit smoking, if you won’t do it for yourself do it for your pug.  The one who gives you unconditional love no matter what, the one who will always be there for you, through thick and thin.   If one loves their pug and considers them family, this is the perfect time to decide to quit smoking for their pug and themselves.  

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Only Natural Pet®: Has our pet’s health, vitality, and quality of life in mind.

With the assistance of the BlogPaws ™ Influencer Team, this is the first time I have heard about Only Natural Pet ®.  However it comes at a great time considering what we just went through with Pia Pia and her stomach issues. 

Only Natural Pet® the name of the company alone speaks volumes.  Their title alone lets their customers and future customers know that they are interested what is best for their pets.  However, what one considers ‘natural’ may not be what another considers ‘natural’.  Continuing our research for what Only Natural Pet® would consider ‘natural’ open the doors to a dedicated company who have our pet’s well-being in mind.  Their mission statement “Our mission is to make healthy choices easy for you and your pet.” 

Only Natural Pet’s assurance to their customers is finding the best effective and ecological natural pet products with working together with their vendors who offer natural, organic, and eco-friendly pet supplies.  The company considers the environment in all aspects of their practices to ensure they are protecting the planet for humans and pets. 

In addition, Only Natural Pet has created their own brand of food, flea prevention, treatment, and vitamins with the assistance and guidance of a dedicated board of Veterinarians to research, review and test each product.  Their products are available through their online store and local retailers.

Speaking about their online store, consumers are able to find numerous health articles from weight concerns, joint issues, gastrointestinal support and etcetera.  Now, these articles are not to substitute taking your pet to their veterinarian but it helps consumers to pinpoint some minor issues or support what your veterinarian is stating.   Considering the most recent issues we have had with Pia Pia and her stomach, I found the gastrointestinal support, bowel support, diarrhea, and immune articles quite interesting and supporting. 

Only Natural Pet® has been very kind and sent a large box containing many varieties of their products.  Which is extremely generous because I am able to read the ingredients and Pia Pia is able to test them, have you tried or do you purchase Only Natural Pet®?  If so we would love to hear from you and which does your pet prefer?  

  • ·         Jerky Strips - Made from either Grass Fed Bison or Free Range Venison.  Made in the USA – Venison Pia Pia enjoys the most. 
  • ·         Yak's Milk Dog Chew - Made from a mixture of yak's milk, cow's milk, lime juice and salt, this is a hard cheese that is a long lasting chew for dogs without added color additives or chemicals – Pia Pia loves to lick but hard for her to chew. 
  • ·         Mega Cow Tails - Made from grass fed, free range cattle in the USA – Pia Pia enjoys chewing. 
  • ·         Pastured Raised Beef & Tripe – Fresh vegetables and fruit.  A good way to incorporate raw feeding.  Could be utilized for treats.  – Pia Pia loves this as a treat. 
  • ·         Turkey and Sweet Potato Raw, Dehydrated Food - Another possible way to try raw food.  There are other varieties, all which include human quality ingredients. – Haven’t tried this one yet. 
  • ·         Ultimate Daily Vitamins – This are soft chewable vitamins which any dog at any age would be able to benefit from.  – I have put this is Pia Pia’s food and she has eaten it every time. 
  • ·         Krill & Cod Oil – This helps to promote cardiovascular health and brain development in pets.  – This I haven’t used yet. 

  •          Stain & Odor Remover - Rarely do you find an all-natural cleaning product that actually works.  – Currently at this time I have not utilize this product however I can tell you it smells really good.

We all have our preferences as well as our pets have their preferences, but Only Natural Pet® has surely gone the extra mile to ensure our pets are given the best, natural, and sustainable pet products on the market. 

**This post is sponsored by BlogPaws ™ Pet Influencer and Only Natural Pet®.  This post is to help introduce and spread the word about Only Natural Pet®.  With careful research and consideration, Pia Pia and I feel confident that a majority of our readers will be appreciative. **   

<p>This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Only Natural Pet and the BlogPaws® Pet Influencer NetworkTM.  The opinions and text are all mine.</p><!-- TapInfluence Comment Widget - Do Not Edit or Remove --><div id="ti-pixel-tracker"></div><script type="text/javascript" src="https://influencers.tapinfluence.com/assets/cogs/core-v4.js"></script> <script>var ts=document.getElementById('ti-pixel-tracker'); var axel = Math.random() + ""; var num = axel * 1000000000000000000; var ti=document.createElement("img"); ti.style.display="none"; ti.src="https://tracking.tapinfluence.com/trk/bpAwt/AeAQy/p.png?p=I1OtX" + String.fromCharCode(38) + "i=fdrrO" + String.fromCharCode(38) + "ord="+ num + String.fromCharCode(38) + "s=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer); ts.parentNode.replaceChild(ti,ts); JSON.stringify({"program_id":"2545a608-145e-11e6-949a-22000a66c666","post_id":"d060b7dc-15e2-11e6-8f9f-22000a7d00a4"});</script><!-- End Widget -->

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