Water is about 71% of the Earth’s surface between the lakes, oceans, streams and the ponds. Then there are additional water hazards such as the puddles and standing water within the flower pots and other items which can collect water. Did you know that if your dog drinks water from puddles, lakes and even the oceans it could make your dog ill? Yes, even though water is imperative especially in the hot weather; water can be dangerous and even deadly. For instance, the oceans are the biggest body of water and dogs love to romp in the waves. However, too much salt water whether by a retrieving a toy, drinking it, or accidently swallowing salt water could cause “beach diarrhea.” Salt water, of course, has salt in it. Salt pulls water from the blood and into the dog’s small and large intestines which can lead to diarrhea with blood. Extreme amounts of salt water could cause vomiting, dehydration, seizures or worse. In these cases it is best to seek veterinarian care immediately. The ocean is not going anywhere so make sure your dog takes a break, rests, gets plenty of fresh water, cools down, and remains out of the sun.
While at the beach also make sure
to lookout for jellyfish. Jellyfish have
nasty stings for humans and are dangerous to dogs. Many jellyfish are located near the shores or
on the beach where dogs can encounter them by sniffing them. The jellyfish tentacles’ release toxins and
can cause issues that vary depending on the jellyfish species. Also, if the
jellyfish is dried up the tentacles still can release the toxin especially to a
curious dog that sniffs or may even bite into one. Some of the issues could be just an allergic
reaction, anaphylactic shock, or death, so keep an eye on your dog and keep
them away from jelly fish. If your dog encounters
one, seek veterinarian care immediately.
Other bacterium grows in standing water such as;
puddles, ponds, and lakes is Giardia, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium are usually
the most common ones and causes anything from gastrointestinal problems such as
diarrhea and vomiting. A majority of the
time the bacterium can be treated with just antibiotics. Most Dogs will recover with no problems but unfortunately
there are some dogs that will have some lingering effects, those dogs are the
young, older, or with compromising immunity issues.
Leptospirosis is also a bacterium found in standing
water but is caused by the urination of small animals such as squirrels, mice,
rats, and raccoons to name a few. If
your dog drinks from that contaminated water, it could lead to kidney or liver
failure. It will cause a dog to become lethargic
or vomiting. Early treatment is best to
help combat this bacterium so seek veterinarian care immediately and discuss
options to treat bacterium.
One final thought is moderation – yes,
moderation. You want to make sure your dog
drinks fresh clean water on a regular basis. There is a thing called too much
water at once into a dog’s system which may cause a dilution of the natural
balance of sodium which is critical for the water to flow through the dog’s body
into the cells to include brain cells. A
lack of sodium in the blood cells could lead to swelling which could cause
vomiting, nausea, bloating, lethargy, and lack of coordination just to name a
few. In extreme cases the onset of
seizures, coma, or death. The best
prevention from overdrinking is to have your dog take drinking breaks and calm
So, whether it is the jellyfish,
seaweed, ocean water, puddles, and such; be careful and mindful of your dog when
you are around any type of water. Dogs
can drink something that can make them ill, dogs can drown, and alligators/snakes
linger around some bodies of water and other dangers. Water is fun but water is also dangerous. Be mindful and pay attention.
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#waterdangers #water #dangers #summer #summertime #waterdog #dogsinwater
#waterinflorida #florida #standingwater #Dogsandwater #puddles #oceans #lakes
#ponds #watersafety #waterprecautions #algae